Sunday 19 December 2010

Its Beginning to look a lot Like Christmas

Hello everyone, welcome to Tinny and Jims Eternal Dreams sim on second life. You can almost taste christmas.

Its so beautiful here right now, freshly fallen snow, iced up pools, even the resident crocodile is enjoying the weather and getting into the Christmas spirit.

There is always something new on the Sim, and this week is no exception. Just look whats on offer today on the Midnight Mania boards. You know how they work, you slap them and then wait earnestly to see if Santa drops your presents down the Chimney. Eh??? Oh! we mean for the Midnight Mania Fairy to deliver them if the board reaches its goal.

Hmm someone has been supping to much of Tin Jim fine wines, now where where we? Ah yes the Mania Boards, take a walk or a teleport with us to the IceRink Island whee what fun. Where are the ice skates, in the box, just click it and wear them and away you go. Skate with your friends. This rink is yours right now if you come down and hit the mania boards.

Always making something new and here is no exception a beautiful Winter Gazebo for you to take home if you slap the Midnight Mania boards, or you can buy it.

Lets have a nice prize for this month display our picture and location in your profile and win 1000 lindens as its xmas,
will let you know later the date when we pick a winner

Love Tinny

Be sure to pop in and take a look around, coming very soon, special extra edition all about Tinny's very own 40 Lindens items, super items and rock bottom prices and its not even a January Sale yet. Leave you with that beautiful Gazebo you just have to have in your inventory.
Do check out the special edition Winter Sim you know you want to its beautiful. Eternal Designs Christmas Sim.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Stunningly Beautiful

We are always excited when something new comes to Eternal Designs. Well for a while now there has been talk of an ice palace, we where sworn to absolute secrecy but we saw the palace from its inception. It was getting very exciting waiting each weekend for its arrivals and finally to mark December the Palace arrived on the Sim.

It is exquisite, stunningly beautiful, it seems to be alive with light, its hard to imagine it but it does seem to glow. As if each piece of brick was beaten out of silver and polished so it shines. The magic of these excellent textures is down to Nighty Goodspeed. Tintin Tuxing uses a great deal of this ladies wonderful textures because they live and breathe as if you could touch them.

Thats not all, outside this fantastic palace is the wedding feast, its created in the same luxurious textures as the palace and if you thought that was all you where getting you would be wrong. So much more is out there this Weekend on the Mania boards. Most of these are group only, ask for an invitation and we will glady send you instructions on how to join.

If your lucky enough to be a member of Twisted Thorns Textures group, you need to contact Nighty Goodspeed, to be invited. But if you are already a member you can pick up Tintin Tuxings Ice Palace Wedding Ensemble this weekend and lots more beside.

This is Rezzed on Twisted Thorns Textures Sim.

Don't forget there are two places open for Eternal Dreamers over the Christmas Season, the main area and the beautiful Christmas Sim.

Incidentally if your wondering what to do with an Ice Palace and you don't have a prince and princess to put inside it. It would make a wonderful store, art gallery, even a home. You just have to come down and see it and join the group and if the target number is met its yours.

What will you do with your ice palace? You'll never know if you don't hit those boards and join the group*

*subject to approval.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Christmas at Eternal Designs

Welcome once again to Thursdays Blog Edition of Eternal Designs. Firstly everyone at Eternal Designs  would like to wish those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, a very Happy Thanksgiving and may you remember those of us the UK when you have finished your turkey and pumpkin pie and all those other goodies our friends tell us they have eaten on Thanksgiving.

So here we are at a very special, Christmas snowy white sim to display all those wonderful Christmassy items that Tintin and Jim create for their wonderful customers.

Night or Day the place at Milias looks fantastic.

Its snowing, little simulated particles of snow flakes tickle you nose as you walk around the christmas sim. Two Midnight Mania boards greet you but you cannot just slap the boards and go. No there is much more to see and enjoy on the Christmas sim.

Once again Jim and Tintin worked so hard to create a place of beauty and magic. Its great for all the child avatars that love to play on the sim. A lovely sweet haven for them, who knows who might show up as the days progress. Do we hear jingle bells any where?

Look the sim has its very own stunning ice rink there is are free skates for everyone and if you click the yellow ball in the centre you can skate. Wrap up warm though its freezing down here all that ice and snow.

Orca Visit

An Orca has come to visit this pretty sim, at least he doesn't mind those icy cold waters. Wouldn't take a dip in there at this time of year.

Finally a little fun modelling by Jim trying out the latest gift a singing santa hat. It will be offered to the group when its completed.

Thats all for now folks as you know the Weekend one is out soon. Whats on offer this weekend, we won't know until the day, so check the blog often. Don't just slap the boards at Eternal design stop and say hello, join the fantastic group, make some new friends. Get into the spirit of christmas and who knows you may even buy something you really love that is so beautifully created its a steal at the price they sell for.

Sculpted hat is from the Treasured Cove christmas selection of great sculpts and was on offer. Tunes are from Bristow where you can visit and slap a Midnight Mania board for a christmassy tune or buy them at a reasonable cost. If you want snow you need to get your self a weather board, currently on a midnight mania board at Cambpells but it won't be there for long so hurry up and get your board.
Textures used by Tintin are often from Twisted Thorn Textures by Nighty Goodspeed.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Children in Need and Eternal Designs

In the UK it was the annual lets raise money for Children In Need. The Icon is a little yellow Bear called Pudsey and its a time when people do the extra ordinary to raise cash for children who need help. Its televised on BBC and it is no doubt broadcast to other countries too. Especially now that we are in the age of digital viewing.

So what was going to happen in Second Life how could the virtual world raise for such a good cause. With the help of a little bear who looked like Pudsey and a lot of good will and generous hearts it can be done.

With a great deal of effort and a lot of campaigning from Sparkles, Tintin and Jim and with the help of their loyal and friendly customers. The lindens started to roll in, and for every 1k Linden another one night only singing mouse went up on the Midnight Mania boards.

"I'm Moused Out" Tintin said with a glee when all her mice had been put up, every time the customers tipped the bear and raised another 1k.

So for those of you like Ben Clossom who think that Second Life is about Amsterdam and the groups who said no to our campaigning in your group boards shame on you. The concerted efforts raised over 11k last night.

By Morning, we think Sparkles snuck out of bed to see what the target was she was found asleep in a little manger bed.

 Wonder if a Pudsey Bear fan put her to bed aww, the crib is for sale at TinTins Sim for 250 Lindens and it plays Away in a Manger, there is a little mouse angel at the head of the bed, awww. 

The Final Total raised is not yet over we are still take donations for Children in Need. So Far we have raised over 11 k in Lindens.  Eternal Designs

Thats not all a wonderful friend of ours opened up his cash register at USC Textures and tipped his proceeds for the day into a huge sack! Raising 10k Lindens.

Thats all for now, off to get a cuppa with Tintin, Jim and Sparkles. Your very welcome to join us. Eternal Designs.

Weekend is Ours.

First of all there where fun and games when Jimster Deed let a tornado loose on the Sim, fortunately no one was hurt we had a blast though.

After the tornado was detained it was back to work and as promised we went for a walk on the sim. To take a look at the Butchers shop.

Nettle Farm Butchers is On Sale at Eternal Designs, you do not get the Butcher but if  you where interested in having a Butcher ask and we will tell you where he comes from. Alas he can't do much but just fun we called him Jim Nettle.

You can see the work that has gone into this build, is that a haggis or a ham hanging up there.

There is always something new going on and Tintin and Jim are always thinking up new things to encourage customers to the sim. This weekend is no exception lots of things where going on. Children in Need with a  Singing Mice special one night only midnight mania.

The Christmas Mice can be yours today for 500 Lindens for all four mice, or they can be purchased seperately.

Midnight Mania Chapel is this weekends prize folks so come on down and slap the board for the Chapel.

Click the small missle on the podium to hear silent night. 

 So head on over to Eternal Designs slap those boards and if the target is reached you get the prizes, a church and many more. Thats not all see our special blog edition for Children in Need coming soon.

Sunday 14 November 2010

What the Dickens

A fitting title for todays blog we think as we head into Eternal Designs sim. Snow greets  you so wrap up nice and warm. So many things on offer right now, christmas and oriental. Ooo don't you just want to jump on a plane and fly some where hot and sunny to escape the cold winters rage, but then it wouldn't be Christmas without snow.

Eternal Designs

Yes its early, but then the early bird catches the worm they say. The sim is decking the halls with holly early so you can get your shops and sims ready for the great feast of Christmas, or Yule and not forgetting Thanks Giving.

As always the sim is a bustling fantasy of what ever TinTin Tuxing conjures from her dreams with the help of her partner Jimster Deed the sim comes alive. You never know whats awaiting you and the pictures just don't do her builds justice, come on over and see for yourself. Second Life might be losing flurbils but the sim is as busy as ever.

The Butchers
Not for vegetarians, vegans or any one who doesn't like raw meat. Tintin has done this little Dickensian butchers proud. You can just hear the hustle and bustle as the butcher chops up the meat. People where poor but they knew how to make a meal out of nothing.
"Aye I'll have some o' that scrag end love, for the broth"

Thats not all next door is the Bakers, will include more of these cute little shops in the next blog. Worth a good look around. So where oh where is the candlestick maker?

Rub a dub dub,
Three men in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick maker.
Turn them out, knaves all three

Around the corner TinTin has set little carts, you can just hear the poor old matchstick girl crying out in the cold who will buy my matches. [Hans Christian Anderson for that one].

Wonder where Tiny Tim is Dinner is served and it looks like Old Scrooge has done the Crachets proud, the turkey is steaming away. [Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens]

Here be Dragons
"Come get yeah Dragon Eggs, all yeah, Dragon Eggs for sale"

Not! we might add for witches brews or hognog or what ever Wiccans of the Olde Days used Dragon Eggs for. These are for buying and hatching into little dragons, you could send one to Hagrid.
"Hagrid is that a dragon!"
Priceless little characters, very cute, and very lovable, read the manual before you buy, you may not have a sim left if you don't! [giggles]. Do not click open or your dragon will not be around for long, very important that you read the Manual.

Aye there be Fae Eggs too!

Who wants fae's at the bottom of their garden well now you can buy the eggs and put some fae's or fairies on your sim.

Croc is looking a little pleased with himself wonder what he had for breakfast or more to the point who!

Thats all for now folks be back sooner than a Dickens novel with more tales from the Black Lagoon. We mean tales from Eternal Designs.

note, shop owners this is the time to start plotting we mean planning your shops for christmas, message Rowanessque for more details so you can be included in the next issue of the blog.

Do not feed the crocodile !

Friday 12 November 2010

New Tital for Eternal Designs

Although we have recently changed our group and Tags we still are Eternal Designs group but more of my Dreamers now, a lot of my work are made from Dreams so what could be more fitting than to have a Dream Group and you all certainly are my Dream Group with such exciting people and followers.
I prommise you all a fantastic lot of Designs for Christmas and hope you follow what new things I am bringing out and new things to share with my Eternal Dreamers
Love Tintin Tuxing

Monday 1 November 2010

Halloween Weekend at Eternal Designs Part Three

The Entries for the Halloween Competition

So much excitement on Eternal Designs sim today.  The Halloween Photo Competition ended and Judge Nighty Goodspeed made a tough decision on who won. She had two categories to judge,  child avatar and adult. Both where tough decisions for her to make, and the winners are.
Tension mounts as everyone waits for the winners to be judged and announced.

Judge Goodspeed deliberates over her choices no easy decision at all. "Its a tough job but someone has to do it Jim?" [bad quote from Star Trek!]

List Winners here
1st tyke luik halloween 1000l$
Bewitching Hour

2nd Alexia Gaelyth 500l$
I wanna be BatMan!

3rd Zelda Galthie 250l$

Hanging Around the Sim

1st hailie ashdene 1000l$ plus 1000l$ voucher for twisted thorn textures
Grave Digger

2nd lin bouchard 500l$

We'll be Scared Together

joint 3rd hailieanne byron 250L$

I'm gonna get you with my lazee beam

join 3rd shell corleone 250l$
Hubble Bubble Toil and Trubble

Such great photos we had one "interview" with the Winner of 1st Prize for the Adult competition.
Aptly named Bewitching Hour by Eternal Designs Blogger it certainly deserved first prize. 

Caught up with Tyke the winner of first prize and asked her a couple of questions.

Rowanessque Whitewood: Congrats tyke.
tyke Luik: thank you

Rowanessque Whitewood: I would like to "interview the winners" say how you  came up with your idea, what inspired you and how the prize will change your life grins ;)
tyke Luik: lol omg I will strive for world peace.

Rowanessque Whitewood: :XD hahahah thats a good one, ;)

tyke Luik: and hope for good to those have none. Smiles. Trying to think what the coed girls say at their beauty contests.

Rowanessque Whitewood: I thought you where, "world peace" and running off to be an ambassador for the UN usually lol.

tyke Luik: As Jimster says most competitions there are cheats and are open to scams and abuse I was interested in this because of the judging method and also to give support to the competition as I am in the group those are the reason really for the costume I wore it to see what it was like sometime ago and just thought well why not and entered :))) world peace and may we grow greener lol
Rowanessque Whitewood: thank you Tyke may I quote you on that?
tyke Luik: nods. "Thankyou you to Tintin and Jimster I know they work hard and committed the least I could have done is make an entry thank you very much.
Rowanessque Whitewood: thank you tyke I will definitely quote you on that :) This is Rowanessque Eternal Blogger for Eternal Designs Group News. Talking to tyke Luik winner of first prize in the Halloween Competition.
tyke Luik nods and walks off to enthralling cheers and more congratulations.

We hope to be able to bring you more "interviews" with the winners soon.

Finally as Halloween drew to a close two events where drawing to a close. It was with great joy that we discovered our vey own child avatar Haillie Ashdean had won a competition for the best Halloween House.
At her home land, address not given to protect the young ones from unwanted visitiors.

Last but not least don't forget to keep up your Grunge club at UnlimitedLove for Free when you hit the Midnight Mania board. For a look at the Grunge Club watch this space but if you don't want to wait for the next blog, just over to unlimited love and see the club for your self.

this could be yours but you have to slap it to win it.