Wednesday 6 October 2010

Eternal Designs a world of enchantment awaits you.

On arriving at the Sim for the first time, turn off your music, and listen to the crickets, birds singing and a general choir of nature can be heard. Ok turn on your music if you wish or listen to the ambient noise of the Sim.

You will notice four little pigs and two cats. If you watch the animation for long enough, the cat will read the book, and his partner in crime will dip his paw in a fish bowl. There are small animated fairies just dancing around. You can sit on the steps and watch the scene unfold or you can take a walk towards what you probably came for.

Midnight Madness Boards. There are an abundance of boards, high quality products that are so beautiful you will be wanting to come back for more.

Near the boards you will see a crocodile, sit on him and he will eat you, as demonstrated by Eternal Designs Blogger.
As he chomps down on your bones you will be swallowed whole, stand to revive your self.

The owners and creators of Eternal Design are always one step ahead with themes of the season or themes that have been inspired by Jimster Deed and TinTin Tuxing's creative flair for authentic furniture, buildings and all sorts of fantastic things. Don't just slap an MM board and leave, feel free to wander around the sim.

There are always entertaining things for you to try out on the sim. Such as the Death Pose ball, will let you die a gory death, shock your friends when you call them to slap the Midnight Mania boards with your dying swan pose in a pool of blood.

TinTin has just completed a very beautiful scene, taken from the legend that is Sherlock Holmes. The theme has finished now, but the furniture and living quarters of that quintessential and great detective can still be seen on the Sim. You can sit by his fire and wait for Dr. Watson and Sherlock to assist you with the lastest dilemma a young victorian Miss or Gentleman may find them selves in. The fire crackles and glows, dressing up in Victorian clothes is part of the fun, perhaps you are a young damsel in distress or a young man in fear of his life. Conjuring up thoughts of Jack the Ripper, the Hound of the Baskervilles, to name just two of Sherlocks most famous investigations. Then of course there is his arch nemesis Professor Moriarty, ah the perils of Sherlock.

Head back soon lots more to see and lots more to show you. Don't forget slap the boards and check out the sim, you never know what surprises may be just around the next bed. So much to see and so much to show so come back soon.

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